Sale & Purchase Advisory
Sale Advisory

Are you selling a commercial property or are you a buyer of commercial property?

Do you require a sales advisor or do you seek purchase advice from a highly qualified purchase advisor?

Our expertise comes from over $2.7 billion’s worth of commercial property transactions.

Sale Advisory

The Australian Property Institute Guidance Note ANZRPGN8 is prepared for the guidance of its members. Bruce Barrington, Director of Barrington & Co, was the chairperson of the committee that prepared the first guidance note (GN7) on this topic.

Sale advisory includes:

  • Attending to the presentation of the property prior to marketing and sale
  • Assembling appropriate due diligence materials
  • Calling for submissions from selling agents
  • Engaging the most appropriate selling agent
  • Coordinating with the vendor’s solicitor in the preparation of sale contracts
  • Receiving regular marketing updates from the selling agent and reporting to the vendor
  • Liaising with the vendor through the sale negotiation
  • Monitoring through to settlement
  • Handover at settlement
Sales Advisory & Purchase Advisory Brisbane

Purchase Advisory

Barrington & Co negotiate investment property acquisition on terms and conditions required by its client.

Once terms are agreed, we instruct our client’s solicitor and we prepare an acquisition report for our client.

Typically, the acquisition report would cover the following items:

  • Property Description
  • Location Description
  • General Due Diligence (including the physical condition of the property)
  • Financial Due Diligence (including Income, Expenses and Financial Summary)
  • Environmental
  • Town Planning
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Return on Investment Calculation

We also arrange finance for the purchase. This involves preparing a finance submission and requests for funding from several financiers, usually banks.

We manage the sale through to settlement.


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